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N95 Protective Face Mask Manufacturer & Supplier - Pala, Kottayam Kerala

Stay safe from dust, pollutants, airborne particles, and liquid contaminating your face by purchasing N95 masks. These masks offer a sung facial fit and are capable of filtering airborne particles. The 'N95' rating of these masks help block up to 95% of airborne particles that are as small as 0.3 microns.

 These masks offer better protection than surgical masks as they offer a snug fit around your nose and mouth. Some of these masks come with elastic or rubber bands that can be fastened around your head or with ear hooks that can be positioned around your ears. However, you must note that even a properly fitted N95 respirator cannot completely eliminate the risk of illness or death when you’re exposed to deadly airborne viruses or bacteria like anthrax (inhalational), chickenpox, smallpox, cryptococcosis, influenza, measles, tuberculosis, and more.



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